

    The Institute has a well-equipped Library cater to the literary and academic needs of Occupational Therapy, Physiotherapy, Prosthetics and Orthotics students and faculty. Students, Professionals, Doctors and Persons, who are associated in disability field and working for the persons with disabilities can also refer and avail the library facilities by becoming reference members.

    The Library has a collection of more than 14,955 titles of Professional and Non-professional subjects. The Library is well equipped with collection of books on Physiotherapy, Occupational Therapy, Prosthetics & Orthotics, Anatomy, Physiology, Orthopedics, Exercise Therapy, Electro-therapy, Rehabilitation, Kinesiology, Stroke, Medicine, Surgery, Sports Injury and other related subjects. The library also has collection on Hindi Literature as well as English Literature. The process of book acquisition is fully computerized using the LIBMAN software.

    The library is subscribing 11 Professional Foreign Journals in the field of OT/PT/P&O/Rehabilitation & 11 Newspapers (6-Hindi & 5-English), 11 Hindi Magazines & 12 English Magazines for library users.
    The library is open from 9.00 am to 5.30 pm on all working days. During annual examinations library open till 7:00 pm (working days) & on Saturday (10:00 am to 4:00 pm) except Sunday & Gazetted Holidays.

      1. Circulation Service
      2. Reprographic Services (Photocopying, Computer Print Out)
      3. Reference Service
      4. Newspaper Clippings related to Disability and allied subjects.
      5. Hindi & English Newspapers/Magazines.
      6. Open access facility for CDs & DVDs.
      7. Ten Year Question Paper Facility
      8. Internet facility


       Books from the library are issued on producing Computerized I-card with barcode.
       Only two professional books and one novel (Hindi & English) are issued to the students.
       Books are issued for 10 days, then after can renewed if there is no demand from other students.
       If books are not returned on the due date, fine of Rs.3/- per day per book for first 7 days and then after Rs.4/- per day per book till the book is returned. The collected fine is
      deposited in accounts section.
       Reference books including Encyclopedias, Dictionaries, and Atlas & Journals are not issued to students.
       Reference professional books are issued from 2nd year onwards only on Friday (Week end) after recommendation of concerned HOD.
       A Late fine of Rs.10/- per day is charged for reference book.
       The faculty members of the institute are also issued the books
       Users are categorized into the following:

    S.No. Category No. of Books
    1. PDUNIPPD Faculty 5
    2. PDUNIPPD Students 2 books +1 Novel
    3. Technical/Administrative Staff 2
    4. Others 1

    • Photocopy Charges : Rs.1/- per page (A4 size paper)
    • Computer Printout Charges : Rs.4/- per page
    • Internet Charges : Rs.10/- for one hour

     Only 10% of the total numbers of pages of a book may be copied.
     Photocopying will be done up to 5:00 p.m.

    Book Loss & spoiled books:

       Readers/students must pay the total cost of a book if it is lost/spoiled by them.
       In case, the loss of books/professional journals by a member/student, he/she shall immediately report the matter to the Librarian in writing.
       The member/Student, on loss of books shall either replace the same with a new copy thereof within a month from the date of expiry of the due date or pay a penalty amounting to the cost of the book on current rate within a month of the date of expiry of the due date failing which double the current cost of the books thereafter.

    Library membership rules:
     All faculties, staffs, students of the Institute are entitled to become library members. Ex-students, Trainees, Research scholars, doctors and lecturers of other Institutions may become reference members. However, Membership is given upon payment of library fee and refundable security deposit.
     Membership is allowed only after submitting a duly filled in and signed membership form, duly recommended by the concerned HOD or office order of joining in the Institute. The members are supposed to be conversant with and agreeable to the Library rules.
     Each Member will be issued a library Cards. Bound volumes of journals will be issued. The books will be issued against the library cards and signature on the book card. The member will be responsible for the misuse of card, if any.

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